Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Eighteen Months In

Week #78

We worked hard this week. We met a lot of really wonderful people and learned many small things that make our teaching and work more effective. 

One principle that has been on my mind almost constantly these last few days is that of our heart, might, mind, and strength. As I think about the last 1.5 years, I can see where I really gave my best and the many times I did not. The feeling is sobering. 

The complete sacrifice of our will is very simple, but is the only true sacrifice we can give. Our will is the only thing that we have that can never be taken. We receive our life, objects, blessings, money, time because of the goodness of our Father in Heaven, but our will is the only thing He gave us and never will, nor can, take away. 

In the last few weeks I spent at home, I asked myself a few times if I really wanted to leave for 2 years. It seemed like such a huge thing and many times the temptation to stay was great. Now that I'm reflecting so much about the true and complete sacrifice of every moment that I have, every decision of the day, how I spend each hour, and doing the best thing instead of a good thing, I realize how much more difficult it is to place the natural man on the altar.

Deciding to spend two years in the Brazilian sun using 7 shirts of the same color, three different slacks (two of the same color), about 10 ties (thankfully, of varied colors) with a name tag that hasn't been fashionable since it was introduced was much easier than sanctifying every hour of every day. My time in this field of work is rapidly coming to an end and I still don't feel like I've accomplished that level of dedication. I only know of one person who has but we are commanded to reach that same level. 

And today is a perfect day to start. We're going to the temple in just a few hours to commune with God on His holy mount. What greater blessing could we have than a temple where the ordinances of salvation are done for the living and the dead? 

The Gospel is perfect. I learn of its perfection more and more each day.

Elder Dickson

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