Monday, December 8, 2014

Batismo e O Templo!

Week #79

It's been a while since the last time we baptized someone. We've come really close many times, but this time, deu certo!

I am loving Rio Branco. The more time I spend here, the more I understand how perfect the Lord's plan for His Church is. This ward seems to fulfill that plan very well. Everybody is involved. The meetinghouse has something happening every day (except Monday of course). The people are happy. They have goals and plans to split the ward in 2 years and the stake in 4. I wonder if being in Kirtland and Nauvoo or even the early days of Salt Lake felt like this. 

I've spent a little time talking with the bishop about what happens here. He said something that I really liked. He said that it is the responsibility of the members to make the church building a blessing for the community. Here, they do that by providing a professionally taught English Class, teach guitar, teach skateboarding, martial arts and probably much more in the future. It makes me think of Mosiah 18:25. These Latter-day Saints are meeting together oft and building each other. This is a wonderful ward.

We are fed very well. I'm getting fat again. The sister that owns our house makes cuca (a Brazilian version of a German food that is basically a cobbler in the shape of a bread loaf with less fruit) about once a week.

The Bishop also asked me to teach piano. We still have to set the time and whom I'll be teaching, but I'm excited.

Thank you for the package Grandpa and Grandma. I'm using the tie you sent today. The socks were very much appreciated. Most of mine have holes. I already ate all the candy. Don't worry. I shared.


Elder Dickson

Porto Alegre Temple

Baptism of Maria and Alexandre

Package from Grandma and Grandpa

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