Monday, November 24, 2014

Volta a Canoas

Week #77

I came back. A little more than a year ago I arrived in Guajuviras in the Canoas North Stake. Now I'm in Rio Branco Ward in the Canoas Stake. I've even met some people I knew before. Even being the same city, it is a completely different area. 

It's been a long time since I've had an area so small. In Osório, I had the whole city. In Montenegro, a big part of the city was ours. In Venâncio Aires, half the city. Vera Cruz was a huge area with several cities and towns. Rio Branco is two suburbs. It's very small and very densely populated.

I'm here with Elder Lopes. He's from São Paulo, has been on his mission for 9 months, reminds me a little bit of David Tennant mixed with Cleve Worthington. He works hard, a lot more than I do and knows how to organize and accomplish things. I'm hoping to learn a lot from him. 

I can send pictures again!

Marindia and Luis Carlos (Awesome family in Venâncio Aires.)

Last Night in Venâncio Aires

Caixa d´Agua in Vera Cruz with Davi

Elder Barbosa

Our neighbors in Vera Cruz. Having the Relief Society President as our next door neighbor is very convenient.

The Elders of Rio Branco (with the football: Elder Palma from Chile. With the camera in his mouth: Elder Valentine from Texas/Taiwan. Far Right: Elder Lopes) 

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