Monday, December 15, 2014

Who Da Thunk?

Week #80

I'm being transferred again. This time it's before the transfer. The next real transfer happens in January. I'll be leaving Wednesday. It seems that the Lord doesn't want me staying anywhere for much time. One transfer in VenĂ¢ncio Aires, one in Vera Cruz and four weeks in Rio Branco. Que maravilha! 

I will miss the people here. This ward really is wonderful and we have several baptisms all lined up for next week. New people, new area, new everything. 

I have some great personal emails to write today, so I won't write a whole lot here. 

This week was great. We had seven investigators at church on Sunday (a personal record), 9 people with a baptismal date (another record) and confirmed Maria and Alexandre.

I also taught a little bit of piano yesterday. The problem is that I won't be able to teach anybody again. The two young women that I taught Saturday learn quickly and one even wants to serve a mission. I was really excited to start teaching. 

I just learned that I'm staying in the same stake, so I might still see some people. I'm going to the Canoas Centro ward. I don't know who my companion is. I'll say more next week.

The Church is true and Christ lives. He is our Savior and Redeemer and makes our weaknesses strengths.

Elder Dickson

Eu com churrasco (Elder Dickson with the barbecue.)
Paz Family
Churrasco (Barbecue)

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