Monday, January 5, 2015

Three Companions in One Week

Week #83

Another week full of strange situations.

My companion Elder Holmes was transferred and my new companion, Elder Cruz came to Canoas on Tuesday. He stayed here until Friday and then went home to São Paulo. My next companion should be arriving today. Because Elder Cruz had some serious back problems, we stayed at home the whole week, so there aren't really all that many stories to tell this week. Sorry. Our weekly report (to the mission president) was also the second worst I have ever given (the worst being in Colorado during flooding).

Elder Swann is Elder Miller's new companion. He's finishing his mission in February and is from Northern California. I have a few pictures to send this week and from last week.

My new companion, Elder Quinteiros is really funny and is from El Salvador, but I don't know him very well yet. (note from Mom: Sounds like his new companion arrived during the composition of this brief email??)

Lots of catch-up work to do this week!

Elder Dickson

The zone last transfer

Elder Lopes and I

Elder Miller and Elder Swann (some missionaries take selfies - Elder Dickson is not one of them, but his Mom wishes he was)
Thank you Sister Raquel Holdefer for sending the following photos:

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