Monday, January 19, 2015

Back to Work

Week #85

This week I finally got to work again! We walked a lot, talked with a lot of people. Invited everybody to be baptized and especially got somebody to church! Kevin and Lucas should be a great help to baptize the rest of their family and especially their Grandmother Marli. We're going to try and baptize the three of them this week. It'll take a miracle or two, but we're in the Lord's service. Why shouldn't we see a few? Nevertheless, prayers are appreciated.

I've already mentioned this several times, but I never tire of saying it. When I think of how much I have changed since I got here, I am amazed. I do everything at least a little bit better. I'm more diligent. I work harder. I forgive more easily. I speak a new language. I teach much better. I'm not as afraid to talk to people.

When a friend returned from his mission about 2 years ago, he told me that you feel like a superhero when you come home because you can do so many things that you couldn't before. It's proof that God can really make much more of our lives than we can. 

The world with all its wisdom would say that two years off the grid, out of the workforce, out of education, out of dating and social circles is a bad decision, but I cannot agree. What other experience could transform boys who have little to no knowledge of the world and its workings into bilingual practiced leaders who know how to establish and accomplish goals, that have had real pressure to perform well and have learned probably better than any other group in the world about teamwork and getting along with others? Let's not forget that this is in a 2 year period usually before turning 22. 

I haven't even mentioned the spiritual benefits. I do not believe they can be adequately shared or taught. Just learned by experience.

I have a strong testimony that the mission experience is the best thing any young man can have in his post high-school years. It is worth the effort and sacrifice.

Contrary to popular belief, my shoes are still fine. They should be fine until the end of my mission. The only shoes I will be buying are the kind that are really expensive and made to look good when I come home. They'll probably be the coolest shoes on the block.

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

Thank you Sister Cheila Aderiane da Silva for sharing this picture with us. Apparently guys do take selflies. 

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