Monday, January 12, 2015

New Companion Again!

Week #84

I promise that President Wright isn't switching my companions because I'm not well behaved. Elder Quinteros and I have only actually taught together once this week. 

I finally went to take out my ingrown toenails. There is a member of the Rio Branco Ward that works in the Center and she has been very helpful. The only problem was that she ordered me not to get my toes wet and not to walk very much. It rained three or four days this week and our area is a long way from our house. I spent the rainy days in the apartment studying and the sunny days working with one of the other Elders that works a lot closer to our house while Elder Quinteros went to my area to figure out what's there and visit some people I already knew.

So, Monday was P-day and I stayed with Elder Swann and Elder Miller.

Tuesday: Elder Quinteros arrived and we visited some less-active members of the Relief Society with the Elders Quorum President and his wife. We met some great part-member families.

Wednesday: Went to the foot doctor. After that, it rained. My shoes aren't waterproof anymore, so we protected my toes.

Thursday: Rained.

Friday: Really great zone meeting. President Wright is throwing a lot of focus on working with our heart, might, mind, and strength. Everybody identified something they can do better. Went back to the foot doctor. Still couldn't get my feet wet, but one toe is healing. Stayed in the city center working with Elder Swann in his area. We taught a really great young man named G. He should be baptized next week. 

We also met a Colombian who lives with 3 Mexicans. None of them speak Portuguese, so Elder Swann and I used the little bit of Spanish we know to set an appointment with Elder Quinteros (from El Salvador). Then we were hit by a storm that looked like something from an apocalypse film. We ran home so my toes wouldn't get wet. 

Sunday: (Sister Capella is wonderful. We were in the same zone three times. Actually, when she wrote "Elder Dickson no piano" she wasn't writing in English. She was writing in Portuguese and wrote correctly. There is a huge difference when a meeting doesn't have music. Two Sundays ago, we came into Sacrament Meeting during the opening hymn. Everybody from the ward that knows how to play piano was on vacation. Singing a capela is not a widely held ability. I played piano the rest of the meeting. This Sunday was better.) Got tired of not being in my area and took Elder Miller with me to my area while Elder Quinteros went to teach our Colombian and Mexican friends with Elder Swann. We narrowly avoided a Bible Bash. I figured out it's much easier not to even open the Bible when somebody already shows that they just want to argue. If you don't want to fight, why would you give the antagonist a battlefield? 

Today: Went back to the foot doctor. She said I can walk and get my feet wet now! Agora, o bicho vai pegar. (that only makes sense in Brazil. Even in Google Translate it doesn't make sense.) Basically it means we're going to work a lot this week.

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

Here's Elder Quinteros taking a selfie with Elder Swann and Elder Miller.

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