Monday, March 23, 2015

Seis Semanas Restantes

(Title translation: Six Weeks Remaining)

Week #94

Rute was confirmed and we brought a lot of people to church yesterday. The Branch President even asked President Wright if Elder Andrade and I could stay here for one more transfer. The transfer email hasn't arrived yet, so I don't know if it will actually happen that way.

We worked a lot this week. We met a lot of new people and the Sacrament Meeting Attendance is slowly increasing. Ivoti seemed such a difficult area when we got here, but neither one of us has a problem with staying here. Still waiting on that transfer email. 

There it is.

The whole district has changed. Of the four sisters that were here this transfer, one is going home and two were transferred. The rest of the zone changed a lot as well. The Zone Leaders were both transferred and many other missionaries are going home. It looks like half of our zone changed.

We're staying here. Ivoti is now officially my last area.

That means I have more time to buy cool stuff and I'm going to leave a lot of not-so-cool, but useful stuff with Elder Andrade.

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

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