Monday, March 16, 2015


Week #93

This was a good week. Baptisms are always wonderful.

I don't really remember all that much that happened. I do need to be a lot better about keeping my journal.

This week, I interviewed one of the Sisters' investigators and we spent the whole week making everything work for Rute's (Ruth) baptism. We're also going to start the process of helping her sister get married. If we get everything done tomorrow, Esdra and Edemir should be baptized on my last Sunday in Brazil. I won't talk about dates anymore. I don't like to think that I have to stop speaking Portuguese for people to understand me.

Here's the picture. 

The Branch Mission Leader was called as Branch President yesterday. I've already seen so many changes in the branch since I got here that I'm really excited to see what the Lord has in mind for Ivoti. I feel like Ivoti is just waiting to explode into a strong ward. We just need more people.

We have to go to Novo Hamburgo today so I can buy some cool shoes. I'll take pictures, but I'll probably only use them when I come home. The shoes I brought with me still have a few more kilometers before they need to be thrown out. Sadly, they will not make it home. Missionary shoes really do take a beating.

The other picture is my district. 
From left to right: Sou eu! Sister Warrik (Cedar City), Sister Filiagi (São Paulo), Sister Oliveira Souza (Ceará), Sister Ribeiro (Portugal), Elder Andrade (Paraíba). Todos batizadores!

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

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