Monday, August 25, 2014


Week #64

I'm being transferred. Who knows where? I have no idea. I'll find out tomorrow. I have to pack up everything and leave enough records that the next missionaries will know what to do when they get here, so I won't be writing a whole lot today. 

I'll also be writing some letters and sending them with Elder Angus. They should arrive much more quickly that way. 

This was a good week. We met more wonderful people and had some wonderful experiences, but the Adversary also works and he doesn't need to sleep or go home at 9:00. The need for constant following up and obedience with exactness is exhausting. It is well called missionary work. 

Because a picture is worth 1000 words I'll send a few to make up for the lack of writing.

Temple Trip

The District:
Elder Soares, Elder Angus, Elder Pradera, Elder Ribeiro, Elder Dickson, Elder Cardenas,
Sister Taylor, Sister Terrazas

Gulheirmo (Recent convert) Mari (investigator)

Cleonice (Mother) Jéssyka (Daughter)

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