Monday, August 11, 2014

Mission Tour

Week #62

I mentioned the coming Mission Tour last week. It's a wonderful thing to listen to the representatives of the Lord. Elder Leal taught a lot of wonderful things, but the main focus was how to improve the quality of conversion. Let me just say that the Lord's work is not something for the lazy. Nephi 28:24 Zion is not a place of rest. 

The First Presidency has asked that all missionaries work more closely with recent converts. We are now expected to maintain close contact with all converts for at least one year. We also are expected to teach every principle in Preach My Gospel Chapter 3 before baptism. That includes Family History, Eternal Marriage, Callings, everything. It makes sense and I don't know why I didn't apply this before, but the I think the goal is that every convert should be able to build up the Kingdom from the moment they are confirmed. They should be able to teach the principles of the Gospel, occupy callings, and be completely integrated as members of the Lord's people. 

I thought about some examples from the history:

Peter went from denying his relationship with Christ three times to baptizing 3,000 people in a little more than 40 days. 

Paul went from persecutor to Apostle in a few months.

Joseph Smith went from a fourteen-year-old boy with a question to seeing The Father and The Son in a matter of minutes. 

I came from Utah without a habit of daily scripture study or prayer (if that's you, change) to Brazil where I study everyday and find great treasures of hidden knowledge. When I teach, I feel the Spirit testify of my words. I have seen people change. 

This is what the Gospel does. This is what the Atonement does.

Elder Angus and I thought of this yesterday and today. It's all about how and of whom we give referrals to the missionaries.

Level 1: Friends
Level 2: Acquaintances
Level 3: Enemies
Level 4: Strangers
Level 5: Any name and address that you find.

Let's all be Level 5 Member Missionaries. You can even make T-shirts saying "I'm a Level 5 Member Missionary!" with the phone number of the missionaries in your ward. 

Amulek was the key to Ammonihah. He was just a normal person who decided to follow the invitation of God and help the man called to preach in his city. When he (the member) testified, people started to pay attention. Alma 10:12  Missionaries need this. 

I know that as we work together miracles can happen, but it cannot happen without the members. The ward must be ready to accept the Lord's children. The members must be willing to invite every person. The ward must support its leaders. The ward must remember that success is not measured by how many people say yes, but rather how often we invite.

Elder Dickson

Cachorro Quente Brasileiro (Brazilian Hot Dog) 

Cachorro Quente com Batata Palha (Brazilian Hot Dog with  Potato Sticks)

Left to right: Elder Angus, Elder Ribeiro, Elder Pradera, Sister Terrazas, Sister Taylor, Elder Soares, Elder Dickson

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