Monday, March 17, 2014

Que Semana (What a Week)

Week #41

Que semana. Eu acho que eu vou mandar fotos só. Também, a maioria das fotos foram tiradas por outras pessoas. Eu ainda preciso de ajuntar todas. Tenham paciência comigo. Tá bom. Vamos continuar. 
(What a week. I think I'll send photos only. Also, most of the photos were taken by other people. I still need to gather all. Bear with me. Okay. Let's continue.) 

Tenho muitas fotos dos batismos também. Não vou mandar todas. Levaria muito tempo assim. 
(I have many pictures of the baptisms too. I will not send any. It would take too long.)

Ingrid and Maria (Sister and Mother of Jucélia) were baptized this week. 

Pictures to come. High quality makes things more difficult. I also have to share my photos with other missionaries. I won't be writing very much today.

My zone. Names left to right. Back: Elder Zatti, Elder Simpson, Elder Vieira, Elder Ryberg, Elder Koopman, Elder Lagos, Elder Gonçalves, Elder Thomazinho, myself.
Front: Elder Day, Sister Cardoso, Sister Gates, Sister Aravena, Sister Lourenço

 Elder Day (Today is his last day as a missionary) and myself.

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