Monday, March 24, 2014


Week #42

Endure is a wonderful word. It implies difficult things. It really is no surprise that enduring to the end is what earns salvation. The Lord said that the courageous and valiant would inherit the Kingdom of God. Not the rich, the educated or intelligent (there is a difference), the Bishop, the Deacon, the Elder. The valiant inherit the kingdom. 

The valiant make covenants. The valiant continue in their covenants. The valiant seek to better their relationship with God. The valiant do as Christ admonished the Apostles in Acts 1:8. The valiant receive the Holy Ghost and act as witnesses of Christ until the ends of the Earth. In fact, the book of Acts is really just an extensive record of this one act, to share the Gospel with every creature. This planet, our lives, our opportunities to work, learn, teach, sweat and weep are all to give us opportunity to live the Gospel. 

The teachings we learn at church each Sunday and in our homes every day are the purpose of this life. The Church is not something to help us in this life. The truth is that every good thing is to support the Gospel and every other thing is to distract us from our purpose. A wonderful filter has been provided for us. We all have the Light of Christ and every member of the church has the Gift the Holy Ghost. These two great tools will not lead us astray if we listen to them. 

Not any good stories this week. In fact it was really difficult. We lost a lot of investigators and the family that was closest to being baptized decided they didn't want any commitments. We're almost starting from square one again. This week should be interesting and this transfer will be an endurance race.

É isso por enquanto. 
 (That's it for now.)

Todo o mundo quer ser batizado!
 (The whole world wants to be baptized!)
Left to right: Ingrid, Brother Carlos Martins, Maria, Elder Vieira

Five people baptized, five people who baptized them. Everybody looks better in baptismal white.

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