Monday, March 31, 2014

Good Week

Week #43

This was a very good week. We taught somebody twice, baptized him Saturday and confirmed him yesterday. He is a very humble man and definitely will be a leader in the church. 

It's getting more and more difficult to say something every week. Maybe some of you have noticed I'm not so verbal any more. There are three reasons for this. 

First, it's a lot harder to think/write/speak in English now. Everything feels clumsy in English. Portuguese is so natural. I think I agree with President Faust when he said that we can pray in any language, but the Lord responds in Portuguese. 

Second, it's difficult to think of things to say. Missionary work is wonderful, but the story is usually the same. We make contacts, people give the same excuses, people don't believe that a man can actually see God, e assim por diante. The people who are "golden" (eleitos in Portuguese) usually don't have crazy questions or doubts. They fulfill commitments, they recieve answers and get baptized. É assim

Third reason, with so many baptisms, we have to use our email time to send/create records to the mission office and email the Mission President. With slow internet and even slower computers, 1.5 hours is a really short amount of time. 

Short on time and short on thoughts for now, but I read something interesting last week about the Old Testament. Generally members of the church focus more on the New Testament and Book of Mormon. Remember that all scripture is worthy of study and the Old Testament has quite a bit to say. One of the things that the Institute manual I'm using to study right now (in Portuguese of course) says is that if we want to understand Jesus Christ better, we should study His actions and covenants before his mortal life. He did a lot before he was born. It was probably important.

Em fim, study. Study all the scriptures, ancient and modern. 

I'll see if I have any pictures to send. 

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