Monday, August 19, 2013

The Power of A Simple Testimony

Week #11

Good Morning! And in case you read this later in the day, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

This week we had a missionary return to his home ward. He's come out once with us to teach and has given a lot of good advice. I've also been able to see how he teaches, which was incredibly helpful and I will definitely be making some changes in how I participate in lessons. I need to ask investigators many more questions. He also told us that he always loved the last week of a transfer because "that's when miracles happen." More on that later.

Anyway, on to the happenings.
This week was sparse on lessons. Most of our time was spent either planning or performing service projects and doing lots of studying. We never got to start teaching before 5. The limited time is frustrating, but we used it the best way we could.

This Saturday our whole district staffed a booth at the Lafayette Peach Festival. The Senior Center has called on the Lafayette missionaries many times before and asked us if we could help with their booth. We thought they meant they needed a few extra people to help keep things moving, but the man who was in charge had more of the idea that we plan, recruit volunteers for, and staff the entire thing. We had six companionships helping kids paint, build, and anything else they wanted to do. It was a fun day, but I am very glad it's over. The weeks leading up were very stressful as we planned and decided on activities. We did get to meet a few people who recognized us and saw a few investigators, so hopefully some spiritual work will arise from that service as well.

We have seen some incredible things happen in these last few days. My favorite involves one of the recent converts in the ward. M. was baptized at the end of June (right before I left the MTC) and has several medical issues that sometimes require some help. The woman who helps her is a former investigator who has a reputation for only inviting the missionaries over so that she could argue from the Bible. Apparently, it never worked because she's had to resort to lies, but I digress. Also, her name is C---. For these last couple weeks, C--- has been telling M. that we don't have the real Bible (she has been taught from it), that we were taking advantage of her brain injury, and accusing us of changing the Word(I would assume with a misuse of Revelation 22:18-19).

Michelle does have a very simple understanding and was getting very frustrated with Cindy's abrasive nature and the things she was saying. Her faith was unshaken, but she was getting afraid that she would lose control and blow up at Cindy. She asked us what to do and we pointed her to Alma 4:19 and promised that if she would simply bear testimony in the name of Jesus Christ of the truth of Lord's Gospel and His Church, that her simple testimony would have the power to confound the wise.

A couple days later she called us and started telling us very excitedly that she had tried it. She had called Cindy, told her that she was getting offended by the way she was being treated and (this is the best part) said that she knew this Church was true in her heart and closed with the very simple " in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." In Michelle's own words, "I never thought I would hear Cindy not know what to say." She has not heard a single word from her since.

Testimony is powerful and one of the things I've noticed in the scriptures and Church videos is that the prophets do not answer every question. Often, they simply state truth and invite people to learn for themselves. Preach My Gospel does say we are not obligated to answer every question and my MTC teacher, Irmão Buttars, told us that people will often have a list of questions about teachings or policies and that they want answers. He told us that we could answer every single one of them with logical well thought out answers, taking a great deal of time and making little progress or we can bring everything back to their testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the Church being restored.
The Gospel is not illogical, but logic does not convert. Seeing miracles does not convert. Alma saw an angel, but he was not converted until he remembered Christ and called upon Him to have mercy. Only after partaking of that gift did he become the great missionary and prophet to whom Mormon dedicated a large part of the Book of Mormon. We must seek our own spiritual witnesses.

Wow, got a little bit off topic there, but it was probably important. I guess I'll attach some pictures now. Sorry, I didn't have my camera at the Peach Festival.

Also, a couple people from my MTC district have their Visas. Maybe mine will come soon too! 

"Octuple stuff"

"Where I do everything else."

"Halo fridge"

"Elder Yarman's bedtime snack."

P.S. Sam wrote those captions. Promise.

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