Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No Time For The World

Week #12

Elder Dickson is working so hard that he doesn't have time to write emails! Here is part of his email that he wrote to his mother: 
You have a lot of questions and the line for computers here is getting long. To make things short. We've moved and now live in the Bishop's basement. Elder Yarman and I are actually pretty clean, but in the last place we had no closet or shelves, two drawers and one room. There simply weren't other places to put things. Things are much better in our new place. Just time to answer quesotions today.I'm in Lafayette. Loveland is the Mission Office. No, I don't print emails. Too much paper and I would have to carry them around. I don't get a lot of  time to play the piano.The temple attendance policy is not what you would call liberal and it takes most of P-day if you include travel.

Henry B. Eyring

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