Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Getting Down to Business

Week #10

Elder Dickson didn't have a lot of time to write today, so here is part of the email he sent to his mom:

I did get an email today from one of the sisters in my MTC district who said she just got her visa and is going to Fortaleza Brazil on the 19th. It sounds like they've started to send visas through, but remember that even temporary reassignments are done by an apostle.

I have been reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese (I'm just a few chapters into 2 Nephi) and am in Zechariah in the Old Testament as of this morning. Isaiah is bad in English, but in Portuguese, I have to look up every other word. In the rest of the Book of Mormon, I only have to look up one or two words per verse. Isaiah is a pain to understand, but the poetry is beautiful.

The day starts at 6:30. I usually do some sort of excercise with the elastic band they gave me, but we've talked about starting to run this week. At 7, I shower and get ready and by 7:30, I have usually eaten something and have sat down to start studying. We are supposed to start at 8:00, but I like the extra half hour. At 9:00 I do language study (which consists of a lot of Book of Mormon reading) while Elder Y does more personal study/sleeps (It's okay. He got permission from the Assistants.) At 10 we usually have some sort of service project that will last a couple of hours and maybe an appointment shortly after. Then around 1 or 2, we come home, eat, and do companionship study if we didn't get to in the morning. That lasts two hours because I'm being trained. After that, the rest of the day is appointments, and contacting former/potential investigators. We usually get home at 9, plan for the next day, I write in my journal and then we go to bed.

Yes, I am only allowed to communicate home on P-day and today has been sort of a busy one. I'm not sure how much more I can write today, but this week hasn't been all that interesting. We just
met with a lot of recent converts and less active members. Investigators are few and very difficult to meet with.



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