Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Game of Foraging for Food at the Vending Machine

MTC Week #4

Elder Dickson's letter this week:

A lot of crazy stuff this week. Most of it has to do with the missionary broadcast and the fact that there are 173 mission presidents here learning from the Apostles and we can't even eat food where we used to. Basically, I've been living on burritos from the vending machines. 

My teacher, Brother Buttars has hinted that there are a few more changes coming that have not been announced. He won't tell us what they are, but he has been told that the program they have been using to teach us will not be used for much longer. My district is one of the first few to be part of the current program and they're already changing it! Apparently there will be a greater focus on working with the members, so get moving ya'll!   

For those of you who may have missed the broadcast, it is on They never show my face, but four sisters from my district are easily seen. I've also seen a certain Whitaker near the end of  Called to Serve. Anyway, that choir was one of the most incredible things I have been able to do. 3000 people all singing together is an accomplishment by itself, but to have them sing the hymns of Zion is unforgettable. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has been replaced as my favorite choir.   

In my last couple weeks here at the MTC, I would love to hear how the members are taking part in missionary work. Please send me short versions of missionary stories and opportunities. I hope to be working closely with members for the next two years and would love to have an outside view of the work.   

Portuguese is coming along well and our lessons with mock investigators continue to improve. I still have a hard time understanding conversational speed Portuguese, but I can get the general idea of each sentence.     

That's all folks!   

Elder Samuel Dickson

He also sent an email to his mother. Here a few pieces of it:

I did get my nose cauterized. It was an odd feeling, but it will stop bleeding which is the whole point. It's a little tender right now and I have to have tissues with me at all times, but it's a lot better today than yesterday.  Yesterday it felt like eating a lot of wasabi every couple minutes. Very unpleasant. 

I dropped my watch and it still works, but there are little pieces of glass that are stuck inside that stop the hands and it will sometimes get a half hour off. It works for now, but I may need to get another one. The crack does seem to be getting bigger. 

Anyway, I'm alive and getting better at Portuguese each day. Ontem foi muito bom e einsinamos meu pesquisador favorito. Tudo bem!  

Also, my district decided to celebrate Christmas today. With eight sisters, how could we not?

And a picture of the handsome Elder!

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