Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Evolution of a Missionary's Heart

MTC Week #3

Elder Dickson's letter this week: 

Esta semana foi muito dificil por que nosso professor nos quer falamos em somente Portugues. Ignore that sentence. This computer doesn't let me insert special characters. Half of those words are spelled incorrectly. Anyway, on to the happenings. 
We're still studying long and hard each day, but it's amazing how quickly the days are passing. As of tomorrow, I will have finished my third week and have read about half of Exodus. I wish I had read the Old Testament earlier. There are some really incredible stories in there. Also, as cliche (no special characters) as it is at this point, read Preach My Gospel. I know that everybody stresses it in Priests Quorum and mission prep classes, but they never really talk about how much is in there. There are chapters on how to study, how to teach, how to begin teaching, how to find people, what to teach, how to learn a language, and just about everything needed to be a servant of God as a missionary and as a member. Priest Quorum teachers, do not just teach from chapter three and the five lessons. Teach from the others as well. Preach My Gospel teaches something about everything. 

Next week is a huge world wide training for all the new mission presidents and we have been told that all 12 of the Apostles and the First Presidency will be on campus for five days. The schedule changes will be difficult. We can't even go in the building with the cafeteria and main offices for that week (I'm not sure I'm sad about no cafeteria food). 
Our companionship is doing well and we've started to use Portuguese in our regular conversation. Our teachers have continued to express how incredible the new six-week program is. Even two years ago, they never did anything like what they expect us to do. The Lord is certainly hastening His work. 
I don't have any pictures this week (sorry Mom). 
I would also like to recommend watching Elder Bednar's "Character of Christ" if you can find it and re-watching Elder Holland's "Safety for the Soul." Both are wonderful examples of why and how we do missionary work. Maybe even print them out for family home evening or something.  
I miss you all! 
Elder Samuel Dickson
Picture taken the day Elder Dickson went into the MTC.

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