Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Preparation

MTC Week #2

Here is a portion of Elder Dickson's letter:

This past week has been incredible. The choir that is singing on the 23rd for the broadcast is currently about 3000 people if you count members and missionaries. There is also an opportunity for a smaller more elite choir on the 27th that I applied to take part in. Keeping my fingers crossed. 
Portuguese is coming incredibly well. Yesterday with our mock investigator we had an entire conversation without notes or dictionaries, and only had minor issues with understanding. We're practically fluent! Not really, but talk about feeling powerful. 
Each day is exhausting. We study from seven in the morning to eleven, have 45 minutes for lunch and then study until four when dinner is and then study some more until 9:30. The days are long, but at the end of each day I have been able to count at least two instances of personal revelation whether on doctrinal principles or reasons behind certain symbolic choices. Most of them are too complicated to explain in the limited time I have here and I'm not sure they're all meant to be shared anyway. 
I have been called as the Branch Music Coordinator and get to pick all hymns (in Portuguese of course) and set up musical numbers for the branch. I'm a bit excited to see what musical talent our zone has and to learn all the Portuguese hymns. 
In my study yesterday, I realized that the MTC is the best school we could ever attend. The lessons taught here never bear the question of "When will we ever need this?" The things we learn here are truths that will help us in this life and through all eternity. I wish the M in MTC could stand for member because this is an experience every member should have after going through the temple. This truly is a school of the prophets. By the way, D&C 88:138 in reference to the school of prophets can shed some interesting light on why we go to the temple before a mission.  
On multiples occasions our teachers have told us that we have the authority and power to promise blessings and are able to speak words unto the convincing of men. As I have opened my mouth in priesthood meetings and classes, I have felt that power that is granted unto us that we may teach. I am only beginning to know how much our mouths will be filled if we just open them. 
I have plenty of letters I still have to answer and I have all day to do that, so some of you will here from me again in a few days. 
Until next week, 
Elder Samuel Dickson

He also sent two pictures:

He's official!

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