Monday, February 2, 2015

Transferred Again!

Week #87

I think I might have been reassigned as a permanent member of the Canoas Zone. Between Rio Branco, Canoas Centro, and now Matias Velho, I've worked in almost every bairro in the city and all of the areas that don't belong to Sisters. We joke that I am part of the Brazil Canoas Mission.

I don't think I'll unpack my suitcases anymore either. It seems like president is using every opportunity to move me around. I only unpack what I absolutely need to use. Eight shirts, one suit, three pairs of pants, 8 pairs of socks, shoes and my scriptures. Everything else just makes more work when the next transfer comes. I recommend taking only one suitcase to the mission field. It's all you really need.

Here's the photo of Kevin I was transferred, but I stayed really close, so I'll be able to visit and keep track of him and his family. 

This week I got to know many families here in Matias Velho. Elder Quinteros already served here, so he's introducing me to everybody that he baptized and all the members. I haven't eaten so much in a very long time. I think I'll get fat here again.

Saturday we had a ward talent show. It worked out really well. Elder Quinteros and I sang with young man from the ward. I didn't record it, but somebody did. I just need to find out who. (When my mother reads that last sentence she'll tell me all about the importance of remembering special things and then she'll tell me to track down a copy and send it to her. After that she'll tell a member of the ward to send the video to her anyway. I know my mom.)

We will baptize Dana this Saturday. Elder Quinteros was teaching her before he came to Canoas Centro and she is very well prepared. The answers that she has received to her prayers are the most miraculous I have had an investigator receive. There are certainly many more incredible experiences to come this week as we teach her. 

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

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