Monday, September 29, 2014


Week #69

I don't remember being this tired since the flooding in Boulder. Elder de Araujo and I moved everything Saturday to the new house. A missionary house has a lot more than I realized and we were the only two moving everything. Que maravilha. My arms are still hurting. Today we get to start putting all the furniture back together and we have to finish building the house. (Not really, but there are some very important things missing.)

We probably have a few more days of work to do before the transfer happens (we already know the area will switch to Sisters and it just wouldn't be very fair to leave a house without light fixtures, showerheads, sink or a place to dry clothes.) This week I'll be learning about plumbing and electrical work. Good thing I paid attention when Dad was working on the pipes at home.

Other than the move, Elder Barrus and I walked a lot this week and taught little. The few lessons we did teach didn't follow that script for teaching Brother Brown that so many learned in the MTC. One woman understood the words we said but not what they meant and ended up asking us to baptize her dog (that lesson ended quickly). The best one was a young woman that decided to be baptized one week earlier than she had planned. Missionaries like that a lot.

Next week is General Conference and I'm really excited to hear what the Lord wants us to hear and study for the next six months.

We still have a lot to do. That's all folks!

Elder Dickson

Elder de Araujo's birthday party sent to us by Sister Oliveira

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