Monday, May 26, 2014

One Year. Be Valiant.

Week #51

This week is one year. It passes quickly, very quickly.

The strangest thing is to think that less than 7 months ago I couldn't communicate more than the most simple of phrases and now I speak well enough that I can teach, answer questions, and correct false principles alone. I usually don't like to do that, but sometimes when we do splits with the youth we have to answer most of the questions. The Gift of Tongues is real.

What else is there? I understand things that I never understood before. When I was still at home, the Church was something good, something I did, something I'll keep doing. Now, it is very different. I know that if we stop studying the scriptures and praying, we do not have the same strength. I know that if we expect to obtain our salvation, we must be valiant and valiance is much more than not drinking coffee or smoking. 

If we want examples of the valiant, we should look to the scriptures. The stories of men and women who would sacrifice anything to serve their God. Prophets that stood on walls crying to the people. Prophets that were scourged, stoned, left for dead, and scourged again. Why did they do it? If the only thing necessary were not to kill anybody, be kind, and love others, Paul, Peter, Samuel, Joshua, Nephi, and all the others did much more than that. They served their God and built up His kingdom.

We have many opportunities to be valiant. We have many opportunities to testify. Don't let them pass. These are the last days and all people deserve a chance to share in the joy and knowledge that we have. Many times I have to remind myself of this when we talk to people in the street or "tract." Many times I think " none of these people want to listen", but then I remind myself that everybody deserves an opportunity to hear the Gospel. It is much easier to talk to people if we think about it as something that people need to hear.

We are not just another religion. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the kingdom of the Lord and is the only organization authorized to act in the name of Christ. The Priesthood was restored and on the Earth walk men who hold the same authority as Moses. I know this. 

Brethren, remember that we have been ordained to this sacred order. We must, as Christ admonished Peter, feed His sheep. That is the responsibility that we accepted when we were ordained. It is a covenant and our salvation depends upon keeping covenants. 

Elder Dickson

A drawing from Emili. 

Elder Barnes with 10 coats.

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