Monday, January 20, 2014

Baptism Week!

Week #33

Batismo Bom Dia/Tarde/Noite todo o mundo! 

Very good week. We had two baptisms!

Saturday Irma Rosa was baptized in a beautiful lake and yesterday so was Joao Batista. Yes that means John the Baptist. We taught and baptized John the Baptist. Foi muito legal. Pictures to come. The Japanese guy is the Branch President and the grumpy looking one is Joao. He was actually really happy that day, but I guess he just doesn't like pictures. I know that feeling. 

Ta bom entao. Que mais posso dizer? 

Suffice it to say that this week was crazy. Preparing the baptisms, working a lot with the Zone Leaders, and the members just to make everything happen. Very busy week.

Also, there have been a lot of fights with flip flops (thongs, sandals, whatever you call them). Here they're called chinelos and they almost count as a weapon. If you just bend down to take it off your foot, angry dogs leave very quickly. Children tend to behave a lot better too. You do not want Mom to take off her chinelo. Anyway, these last couple nights have turned into chinelo wars in the missionary apartment. Last night somebody even drew blood. Chinelos are dangerous. 

First photo in this email: Elder Day and Elder Lagos. American and Chilean. Both are trouble-makers. They're the ones that fight with the chinelos. Nobody ends up sleeping until about 11:00. It's funny, but I like to sleep too.

Now I don't know what else I have to say. Here are the pictures from Rosa's baptism. Elder Angus' camera has something weird with the lens. It doesn't like to open all the way. Let's just pretend the dark border is artistic. 

All right, time for my request. What's happening in your lives? It's weird, but I have no idea what anybody is doing. Who's getting married, going to college, moving states, doing really cool stuff. How the new Doctor is . . . 

Short one this week, but hey, four pictures. That's worth 4,000 words right?

Choose the right. Sing Primary Songs too. I love Primary Songs. They actually get better when you get older. Also, I'm learning guitar. I already learned four chords! Before long I'll be learning Brazilian music (it's a little different) and singing campfire songs around the churrascaria (it's basically a barbeque pit). 

Anyway, time is a little bit short today. Everything closes at lunchtime and we got here a little late today.

Tchau para voces. 

Elder Dickson

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome-my son is planning to have a Tardis as part of his reception :) hopefully. He sounds great! Mike misses Charrasco!
