Monday, January 6, 2014

Do You Believe In Miracles?

Week #31

This week was very strange. I know lots of stuff happened, but it feels like I was sitting at the computer just a few minutes ago. We'll see if I remember anything while typing.

We still haven't had a baptism here. We have a lot of good people coming to church, but the biggest difficulty is finding them at home. Most everyone walks everywhere and many of them have phones that only call one company. Have I also mentioned it's about 45 minutes from our apartment to most of our investigators? Somehow I still gained weight this week. I don't get it. Whatever, today is Super P-day. It's a good day.

P-dayzao (Super P-day): P-day that doesn't end at 6 like a normal P-day. The whole day. It's a wonderful day. We don't even know what to do with it.

This week, we did see something of a miracle. Saturday night, we were going to teach one of our investigators who is perfect except for always talking and telling stories. He loves coming to Church and I believe the veil is very thin for him. He usually attends all the churches he can, but this week was different. He told us that he was going to one of the Evangelical churches he usually attended and he got a very strong feeling that he shouldn't attend that meeting. He left that one and walked by another church he would normally attend and got the same feeling. This happened many times that night and eventually he returned home. When he got there, he felt that he should wait because the lord would send his servants there. Then we got there. It gets better.

Just after we arrive and before we've said more than a few sentences, a woman comes to ask our investigator for spiritual advice. He knows very little, but he is very powerful with that little knowledge. As far as I can tell, everybody in the neighborhood goes to him with questions. Anyway, she was asking questions about why God would allow her son to have mental issues and to struggle so much. I don't remember a lot of the details, but we explained some about the Plan of Salvation, after which she asked which church we were from. She then continued to express her distress about her son and continued for quite some time. I felt that we should offer the opportunity for her to receive a blessing. I've never done a blessing in Portuguese before, but we offered and explained that we had the authority to heal. We then followed her to her home and gave her son a blessing. I've never given such a simple blessing before, but never have I had to exercise so much faith before either (thank you foreign language).

I once heard it said that when we go to give a blessing of healing, our purpose is to heal that person. We need not wonder if it be the will of the Lord. We are entering their home to perform a miracle and, unless we feel otherwise impressed, we should pronounce a simple blessing of healing. Essentially, unless the Spirit says otherwise, we are to heal that person. I acted on that and didn't feel otherwise. I simply commanded him to be healed and closed the blessing. I thought of no other words. I don't know that we'll ever see the results, but I do believe that is the blessing I was to give.

Elder Angus mentioned that in these last few weeks he has had more opportunities to use the priesthood than any other transfer on his mission. Miracles happen here. 

Time to go. Goodbye all. Love you all. Look for miracles and opportunities to serve.

Elder Dickson

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