Monday, October 7, 2013

Exclamation Point!!!

Week #18

Exclamation points are good, right?

New transfer, new companion, same area. After twelve weeks of training from Elder Yarman, he left and Elder Hanks came in to take his place. He's different and not quite as bold as Elder Yarman, but he's still great. He made bread a few days ago and he does a pretty good job. He cares about the work and the people we've met so far and has some wonderful insights about the Gospel. Fun stuff.

Boulder Flood work is slowing down tremendously, but we still haven't much opportunity to teach. The Elders in the neighboring area are supposed to have a car, but because neither of them have a driver's license, we have had custody and use of the car. Usually this means that we drive them just about everywhere they need to go. Their area is much too big to reasonably bike and they still have a lot of administrating to do before they can start ministering. Hopefully one of them, can get a license this week.

The Elders in that area are Elder Dionicio who is training Elder Penaranda from Bolivia. Elder Penaranda is 18 and this is his first experience being away from home. He wants to work hard, but he doesn't really know how to live on his own yet. These next few weeks will be quite an experience for him. I am very glad I spent a year at college first. It's good to learn how to live without Mom first.

Elder Hanks and I have been biking (when we're not a shuttle service), and every night I come home very tired and just a bit hungry. Definitely going to be healthier and all ready for Brazil when my visa comes. (Thanks for the update, Mom.)

I'm excited to see what happens in these weeks right after Conference. Even more excited because in just two weeks we have Stake Conference. With so much emphasis on missionary work lately, I have been a little bit frustrated with the lack of involvement from the members. Feeding missionaries is a great thing, but we would much rather have referrals. We can get our own food just as easily, but the only way we can really find people is knocking and everybody now knows that there is a better way. Share the Conference messages. Share the scriptures. Preach the Gospel and, if necessary, use words to help your work. "The Harvest is great and the laborers are few; but if we're united, we all things can do (exclamation point!)"

Minha alma se alegra por causa do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, nosso Salvador e Redentor. Ele criou os ceus e a terra. Ele e O Senhor, O Filho Unigenito e ele nos ama.

Eu amo voces.

Elder Dickson.

Here's Elder Hanks.

Here's a new friend of mine. He came in a box with a lot of goodies. (May I add from the best cousin ever.)


As a side note, you may notice that Elder Dickson is not in the picture with his companion. This is because Elder Dickson believes that "Guys shouldn't take selfies." So therefore they can't take a picture together. 

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