Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Sorrow for a Soul

Week #14

This last week has been one of trying experiences. Once again, most of our appointments have fallen through and we rarely get more than a "maybe" for rescheduling. We did have one woman whom we were very hopeful about, but that didn't turn out so well.

Leslie had been attending church in Lafayette for quite a while and most of the ward already knew her. We found out she wasn't a member and tried to set up a meeting with her. After a few weeks of a lot of scheduling issues, we finally got a meeting with her last Thursday. We learned that she had been investigating the Church for seven years and knew it was true, she just hadn't [committed to] baptism. That was my first doubt. She said she knew the Church was true, but had put forth no effort of her own to be baptized. We went over the baptismal interview questions just to see where she stood and found [that there were some obstacles]. We said that we would have to meet again to make sure she had been taught everything and set her with a baptismal date.

We met again Sunday morning. Elder Yarman had me address [the issues. After the discussion, it was clear that she was not ready for baptism.] She also accused us [unjustly]. . . and said . . . it felt like we didn't want her. She then decided to leave and didn't stay for Sacrament Meeting. I will admit I cried.

As horribly as the meeting went, I did reaffirm that I do have a testimony. As Alma and Nephi would weep for the people when they rejected the truth, I realized I wasn't crying because she had hurt me. I cried because we had presented her with truth and scripture in the most loving way we knew how and she rejected it. Though my body hasn't been changed like John's and the Three Nephites', it is incredible how the first real sorrow of my mission was for the [soul] of another. (3 Nephi 28:9)

The words of the Lord in the Doctrine and Covenants are very much a comfort in this situation.

"If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations (...) and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." D&C 122:6-7

Though I don't exactly have all the problems listed in these verses, I feel the promise still stands. I get the feeling that after having such a difficulty over something so small, I think teaching larger issues such as the Law of Chastity will be easier. I know that seems backwards, but people seem to have a harder time giving up small things and will fight more for them. 

I'm trying to take more pictures. I really am. I just always forget I have my camera in my bag. I did get one of George Miller though. He drives a Harley, is a former drug addict, is a High Priest, Webelos Leader, Family history Consultant, the best cook in the ward and is preparing to [receive] his endowment in the next month or so. Basically, he's a wonderful example of what we should be.

Love you all,

Elder Dickson

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