Monday, November 24, 2014

Volta a Canoas

Week #77

I came back. A little more than a year ago I arrived in Guajuviras in the Canoas North Stake. Now I'm in Rio Branco Ward in the Canoas Stake. I've even met some people I knew before. Even being the same city, it is a completely different area. 

It's been a long time since I've had an area so small. In Osório, I had the whole city. In Montenegro, a big part of the city was ours. In Venâncio Aires, half the city. Vera Cruz was a huge area with several cities and towns. Rio Branco is two suburbs. It's very small and very densely populated.

I'm here with Elder Lopes. He's from São Paulo, has been on his mission for 9 months, reminds me a little bit of David Tennant mixed with Cleve Worthington. He works hard, a lot more than I do and knows how to organize and accomplish things. I'm hoping to learn a lot from him. 

I can send pictures again!

Marindia and Luis Carlos (Awesome family in Venâncio Aires.)

Last Night in Venâncio Aires

Caixa d´Agua in Vera Cruz with Davi

Elder Barbosa

Our neighbors in Vera Cruz. Having the Relief Society President as our next door neighbor is very convenient.

The Elders of Rio Branco (with the football: Elder Palma from Chile. With the camera in his mouth: Elder Valentine from Texas/Taiwan. Far Right: Elder Lopes) 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Transferred Again!

Week #76

I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but it seems that the Lord doesn't want me getting comfortable in my area anymore. This will be my third area since leaving Montenegro in August. Goodbye Vera Cruz. Now, I have to spend the day packing everything. I was not expecting to be transferred, so I have a lot to do. 

This week was a week full of work and Marli was almost baptized. I have never seen someone face so much opposition, especially from her own family. The strange thing is that even though we were so close and didn't make it, I am still satisfied with our work. There is a promise in Preach My Gospel that says a diligent missionary is happy. It's true.

I started to read all the Standard Works in Portuguese. My goal is to finish before the end of my mission and at least start Jesus, the Christ as well. I've learned a great deal of the complexities of the language reading the Old Testament and I understand much more how the Church is the same in every dispensation. 

I'm also reading the Book of Mormon for the third time in Portuguese and fourth time as a missionary. I am learning to love it more and more each day. The Book of Mormon truly contains every principle of the Gospel that is necessary for our salvation and rarely investigators understand that fact. President Ezra Taft Benson said that the saints are under condemnation for neglecting the Book of Mormon. I feel I have not been using it as well I as could/should have been. I certainly haven't been giving the Book of Mormon all the opportunities it needs to convert the hearts of men. 

After 20 years as a part of the Church and the many (I lost count) of times I've read the Book of Mormon, I am just now learning how important it really is. I invite all to strengthen their testimony of the Book of Mormon. It is really is the Word of God and should be the keystone not only of our testimony, but also of our daily lives. It should support every decision we make and it's teachings should be a standard by which we judge our own lives. 

All scripture strengthens and builds. All scripture serves as a Liahona to guide us through the wilderness of mortality. As we heed carefully the words written therein and give heed to the directions given, we will be guided to the parts more spiritually fertile of life. (1 Nephi 16:16, 26-29)

The Book of Mormon is true and with the Bible confounds every false doctrine and gives us safety for the soul. 

Until the next area,

Elder Dickson

Monday, November 10, 2014

Vera Cruz Week 5

Week #75

Time is passing very quickly. Wednesday will be one year in Brazil. It is incredible what has changed in one year. I understand what once was gibberish. I am more patient with the people I teach. I speak much more simply and my actions and words are more direct and honest. I also work a lot harder.

If you ever want proof that the gifts of the Spirit are real, just talk to returned missionaries who truly labored. Many, like myself, will testify of the power of the Gift of Tongues. Others will tell of the love they gained. Many will speak of miracles in their work. Revelation, tongues, healing, interpretation of tongues and many, many other manifestations of the Spirit are not simply things that exist in the scriptures. They are signs and gifts of God that follow His people as they strive to do his will. 

Congratulations to all that have received callings, are planning weddings, are studying the scriptures everyday and are becoming more and more like our Father in Heaven through your daily efforts.

It's a short one this week. Sorry.

Elder Dickson

Monday, November 3, 2014

Semana de Milagres (Week of Miracles)

Week #74

This was a very good week full of opportunities to see the Spirit work. More on that later.

This week could be called bipolar. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all very hot and everything after was very rainy and a great temperature for working. The first miracle is that we were able to meet anybody. Between the ridiculous heat (horribly ridiculous), lots of rain, and a very small town, there were very few people in the streets this week. This was the best week I've had since I left Osório in April (looking at our numbers). 

Our two best investigators are Márcio and Marlí. Both are miracles that we met them and have shown incredible courage in doing what they know to be right. Márcio wants an eternal family and knows that his current girlfriend will not help him accomplish that goal. The moment he decides to follow the Law of Chastity, he is ready to be baptized.

Marlí wants to find truth and "buscar a Deus", but her daughter is absolutely against anything that has to with the Church. Her pastor has said everything from "the Book of Mormon brings curses" to "If you leave my church, you have to ask my blessing. If you don't seven demons will enter into you." She already knows he's a liar by his fruits (robbing money from the church. Asking for clothing donations and selling them etc.) and wants nothing to do with him. What's even better is that she knows the Book of Mormon is true and reads it of her own will. She even wants us to teach her mother.

It has been a very long time since I've seen people willing to sacrifice and hold on to the Gospel so firmly. They both have tasted the fruit and want to share it with others. Márcio heard that the branch has a goal to build a chapel here and he already wants to be involved and bring other people to the Gospel to accomplish that goal.

Fasting and prayer work. The Lord proved that to us yesterday. Hard work also works. Even when it feels like an oven outside and worse inside and nobody wants to listen, we have to continue and He will bless us for our endurance.

I decided to seek the blessings of the promise that Brother Hunt makes so often. As a missionary, we need miracles and if I can see more by reading the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes each day, Vamo lá! I also read this statement by Joseph Fielding Smith "No member of this Church can stand approved in the presence of God who has not seriously and carefully read the Book of Mormon." Então, Leiam o livro! It's true and has the power to bring us so close to God, that he makes of our lives much more that we could even imagine, that one day we may be born of God and see eye to eye. (Alma 36:26)

This Church is true. I become more sure of it every day.

Elder Dickson

Elder Dickson with Elder Almeida at Zone Conference.