Monday, October 27, 2014

French Toast

Week #73

French toast has been a highlight of our relationships with the members in Vera Cruz. The Elder that was here before left a bottle of Great Value syrup with the Relief Society President. She knew how to make pancakes, but French Toast is her new obsession. Guess what what everybody had for breakfast today.

The only problem is that in all of Vera Cruz there exists about five ounces of syrup and everybody wants it. I'm starting to wish I had brought/asked for some much earlier. That saddest part is that nobody even knows what real maple syrup is. 

We had a zone conference that was wonderful and gave me a lot of things to think about. President Wright gave us a new quote about obedience. "Maior a exatidão, a maior a bênção." (the greater the exactness, the greater the blessing.) It's true.

One of the common problems we face is that people "already have their religion" and they don't see any necessity in changing. To combat this we decided to start helping our investigators think about eternity before teaching anything. When we started thinking in how to apply each missionary lesson to eternity, especially the difference each principle we teach can make, we started to see a lot more understanding and desire to know about the Restoration. It isn't everybody that says the only way to be saved is being baptized by authority restored by angels. It only makes sense if you think about why you need that authority. The lessons are much better now and we feel much more of the influence of the Spirit in our lessons as we've applied this principle.

It's hot. Very, very hot and muggy. I've become a lovely shade of red and many times I wish I could use a hat like the ones they use in the films about the Restoration. Too bad it's not allowed. 

Times's running out and I still have more to do. Until next week.

Elder Dickson

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