Monday, July 7, 2014

Good Week

Week #57

This week was good. No, I don't have pictures. I forgot my rechargeable batteries in my last area and I'm really not very willing to buy batteries here. Sorry. I hope to receive the ones I left soon. Moving on.

We taught 25 lessons this week! This is a mission standard and this was the first time we accomplished it in Montenegro. Good things are starting to happen.

I've thought about what I've done in the last two months. I think Montenegro was a little bit of a refiner's fire. Here I learned a little bit about cleansing the inner vessel. I've focused a lot on my personal worthiness. I've tried to focus more on missionary work. I've tried to just sing hymns and not the pieces I played at home in bands and orchestras. I've tried to give even my thoughts and desires to the Lord. It makes a difference. 

I invite everybody to do the same. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. We are commanded to be perfect.

I know that as we strive to live the highest levels of discipleship, we can acheive great things in the Lord's work.

Elder Dickson

Sent by Sister Claudia da Rosa

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