Monday, July 28, 2014

Bringing the World His Truth

Week #60

Thinking of something to say gets more and more difficult each week. 

This week was a mixed bag. There were a lot of really fantastic moments and people that were progressing a lot. We had three really good families and another woman that committed to come to Church. One family and the woman just didn't come (and don't answer the phone), one family moved, and the other watched T.V.

The few lessons we had were all really good, we're just not seeing a lot of overall progress. I'm not really sure if it was a good week or a bad one. I'll just say I learned a lot.

Prayers that Jessica and her family accept the Gospel would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Transfer, Old Companion

Week #59

Just to start off, when we went to the bus station on transfer day, I met Elder Angus. The same one that was my companion in Osório. That doesn't happen everyday. He'll also finish his mission at the end of this transfer. What a coincidence.

After two transfers in our very small area, I don't think there exists a house that I haven't tried. Basically, street contacts and tracting don't work anymore. We're going to try some other ideas. The Bishop also has some great ideas to get the members involved. 

Elder Angus and I have both changed a lot. I speak Portuguese now, we're both more obedient, we teach better. It's good to see the differences. 

Some good people that we met this week. If everything goes well, we should be baptizing somebody August 7.

Elder Dickson

Answers to Questions (from a little bit of chat time and a separate email to Mom.) 

Elder Cooper left. Elder Barnes did too. Elder Angus is my companion again. He has five more weeks. Elder Soares arrived as well. Elder Pradera is from Orem and Elder Soares is from Manaus, Amazonas (the biggest state in Brazil).
P-day is a day of rest. (Mom asked if he ever had any adventures on P-day) Aproveito esta oportunidade todos os dias. We don't really do anything else. Today we're actually going to clean the house and buy food. We only buy food on Monday.

I'm in a ward of more than 400 total members, but only about 70 are active.

Yes, we get wet. Mr. Mac was actually a better coat in the past, Elder Cooper has one. Now, it (mine) only works in light rains.

It's cold, but not as cold as everybody says.

No, I don't print the emails.

I buy pasta, tomato sauce. Almoçamos todos os dias com membros. To cook Brazilian food you need a pressure cooker. Everybody has one to make beans. It's one of the first things I plan to buy when I get home. Black beans are a necessity with any meal.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Staying in Montenegro

Week #58

Our district:

Elder Barnes, Elder Cooper, Elder Pradera, Sou eu (me). 
Sister Taylor, Sister Oliveira 

Elder Cooper and Elder Dickson
Sent by Sister Isabel Luchi

Monday, July 7, 2014

Good Week

Week #57

This week was good. No, I don't have pictures. I forgot my rechargeable batteries in my last area and I'm really not very willing to buy batteries here. Sorry. I hope to receive the ones I left soon. Moving on.

We taught 25 lessons this week! This is a mission standard and this was the first time we accomplished it in Montenegro. Good things are starting to happen.

I've thought about what I've done in the last two months. I think Montenegro was a little bit of a refiner's fire. Here I learned a little bit about cleansing the inner vessel. I've focused a lot on my personal worthiness. I've tried to focus more on missionary work. I've tried to just sing hymns and not the pieces I played at home in bands and orchestras. I've tried to give even my thoughts and desires to the Lord. It makes a difference. 

I invite everybody to do the same. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. We are commanded to be perfect.

I know that as we strive to live the highest levels of discipleship, we can acheive great things in the Lord's work.

Elder Dickson

Sent by Sister Claudia da Rosa