Monday, June 23, 2014

Short one

Week #55

This week we had a lot of emails from the mission office, so I don't have a lot of time today.

Just a quick thought. 

I've heard a lot of people talk about certain verses of scripture as "good missionary scriptures." I started to think about how sometimes we put a label on certain principles and leave the principles taught for other groups of people. We say things like, "Church leaders need to remember this." or "this is great for youth." Obviously we should be capable to think how we can use scriptures to teach our classes, train leaders and many other situations, but I fear that sometimes we exclude ourselves from the teaching of those scriptures.

To fix this, I thought of a new label. Lets just call all scriptures "discipleship scriptures." We are to be disciples of Christ in whatever calling we may hold and there is no principle of righteousness that does not apply to every person that has, does, or ever will live.

This week was another difficult one, but we found a few people that should be baptized in the coming weeks. It's always good to find families that are really trying to live the Gospel. Our favorite family right now is Gabriel and Senara with their son Gustavo. Família fantastica.

Until next week.

Elder Dickson

Elder Dickson's apartment

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