Monday, February 24, 2014


Week #38

Baptism is such a good word.

Baptism this week. Yesterday in fact. And what a crazy day it was. Setting up interviews, bringing people to church, my companion going to another area to prepare another baptism, Getting three baptisms from two cities to happen at the same lake (it's more of a huge puddle. Kind of like Utah Lake.) I slept well last night. 

Just a little bit about Brazil. Nobody listens to Brazilian music. Almost all the music you hear in stores or public places is American. Anyway, back to baptism.

Everybody looks good in white. 
Photo left to right: Elder Vieira, Elder Dickson, Maria Gorete, Amanda, Regina, Gabriel, Tamara, Elder Lagos, Elder Day, Jeferson (Branch Mission Leader)

I have seen several missionaries go home early. It is hard work. The scripture stories don't talk very much about the time Ammon spent guarding sheep, walking the hot sun, cleaning clothes and missing home. A lot of people think that, because missionary work is the Lord's work, He will do everything. It doesn't work that way. We are instruments in his hands. We are tools, but imagine how difficult it would be to build a house if your hammer decided it didn't want to be a hammer. 

We are called to labor. Think of the three places we hear the word labor. Working outside, giving birth, and missionary work. Labor means hard. Labor means hot sun. Labor means you are tired. Labor hurts. Sometimes it means you will bleed. Labor means we are stronger after. 

If we endure well, God will exalt us on high. That's the promise. Endure means things will be difficult.

I wasn't ready to labor. I am almost 20 years old and have spent almost 9 months on a mission and still don't feel like I've worked hard enough. Many are called but few are chosen. Many are called on a mission, but few fulfill their assignment. It is difficult and worth the labor. How great is our joy in bringing just one soul to repentence? Greater than all the labor of two years. 

The strength comes from the Lord. We cannot serve missions alone. The people who try don't succeed. If you want to serve a mission, seek strength from the Lord.

Time for my birthday wish. Please please please please remember that missionaries are called specifically to preach the gospel of Christ. We are not called to be home teachers, to retain members we've never met, or to meet every request of the Elders Quorum President. One of the things they said in the MTC is that we should not fulfill the responsibilities of members. Home teachers, we will not make visits for you. 

President Hinckley taught that three things are necessary if somebody is to remain firm in the Church. A friend, a calling, and nourishment of the good word of God. Missionaries cannot provide two of these three things. Members, please, welcome the new members. Be their friends. Allow them to have some part in the Kingdom.

That's what I've got this week. 


Elder Dickson

P.S. My companion has only been a member for three years and is one of the best missionaries I know.

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