Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Settling into the Teaching Life

Week #7

Oi qo todo mundo!
This week was pretty difficult. We still have found very few people to teach and have found very many inactive members. The ward here would be much bigger if only the members were active. We spend a lot of time teaching them and encouraging them. A few can offer names of people that need help, but few are willing to accept any for themselves. Sometimes it's frustrating.
More information about Elder Yarman. His first name is Samuel and he loves orchestral music. Sometimes the music seems a little excitable and it certainly isn't Beethoven or Mahler, but still enjoyable. He has moved around a lot but he calls Charlotte, North Carolina home.
A lot has happened this week. I tried tracting for the first time. It didn't go so well, but you can certainly tell the people that would benefit most from the Gospel. A lot of people very kindly state that they have their religion (usually Catholic), aren't interested in any other, and wish us a good day. Others shout that they don't want any and close the door, while others look through the window and hide when they see that we saw them. One woman asked who we were through the door, and we told her we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She opened the door, but as soon as we said that we had a message about Jesus Christ, she rolled her eyes and slammed the door. I don't know what she was expecting before. One guy on that same street came out after we left his house and told us that everybody else was going to do the same thing he did. (Add profanities for a more accurate quote.) He seemed pretty interested in how we were doing for someone who didn't want to listen. It was one of those moments that felt like the devil's fiery shaft didn't really have much power behind it. That, or the Armor of God is just that awesome. Probably both.
Most of our finding is through potential and former investigators. We don't have as much success as we would like with teaching them, but we got a few a couple of days ago that said they're interested.
The most exciting thing was by far Nina. We still haven't been able to teach her a lesson, but the Lord has certainly guided us to her. In speaking with her we learned that her largest concern is that her children will have a good set of morals. I know it's not exactly usual missionary material, but I had brought my For the Strength of Youth from home and had almost dumped it at the MTC, but felt like I should hang onto it. Anyway, I had it with me in my bag and gave it to her. We'll see if she's read any of it when we have our first real lesson with her tonight. She is very accepting of the idea of resurrection, and she accepted scriptures out of the Book of Mormon without an issue. She has told us very clearly that she cannot be a Mormon because she likes her tea too much. I guess we'll see about that. She is a little crazy, but always offers us water, orange juice, soda, or anything else she has. She also tells us how perfect her 13-year-old son is. I didn't tell her that my mom beat her to that claim. Moms like to think their kids are best, don't they?
I have pictures today! Hopefully they're not too blurry, Mom.

The sister that photobombed from the side is Sister Jones. She was in the MTC with me and she is now in Colorado Denver North. She'll go to Fortaleza eventually.

Yes, I bought Twinkies. It was the first batch, so I had to buy some. Besides, I haven't had one for years.
That's our salamander friend. I haven't seen him for a few days. Lot's of spiders though.
The Elder is Elder Yarman.
Almost out of time and I still have to finish laundry.
Keep writing. Missionaries like letters/email.
Until next week,
Elder Samuel Dickson

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